Helping clients to get back in charge of their lives, with the confidence, calmness & self-sufficiency to flourish.

Image Transformation Therapy:

One of the striking features of ImTT, and something that has really drawn me to its use, is the way in which it can be used to target psychological difficulties without requiring the person to relive the experiences that are the root cause of their difficulties. By using a staged breathing and visualisation process, powerful emotions and memories or images associated with them can be released in a gentle way.

Once feelings and images from the past are no longer interfering in the present, a new sense of self can emerge, enabling people to engage more fully and freely in their lives, without the past impinging on their experience of the present or their plans for the future.

The origins and development of ImTT

ImTT was developed by Robert Miller PhD, who was working in the USA using EMDR therapy to help active-duty marines suffering from PTSD due to their combat experiences. During this work he sometimes found that the feelings were too intense for the person to process, so he began to develop a simple breathing and visualisation technique to release their pain, without reliving the experience behind the pain. This led to the realisation that intense feelings of pain or terror could be released without the person having to intensely experience them at all during the release process.

During the subsequent development of ImTT, Miller has refined this process and developed protocols to utilise the process to help people with a wide variety of psychological problems.

Please note that, as with any talking therapy, results may vary from person to person.

Call me directly on 07831-693684 to make an appointment, or send me an e-mail (there's a 'contact me' link below).

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